Upcoming Events

We’re hosting lots of fun, interesting, unique and exclusive events this Winter!

More events will be added here soon so keep your eyes peeled for when we lock in our next guests or keep up to date with our latest news via our Instagram or by joining our mailing list.

Cheese Masterclass with Le Cheeserie

Wine & Cheese. Horse & Carriage. Love & Marriage.

Some things are just meant to be together, so we’re teaming up with Canberra’s best Cheese shop Le Cheeserie to put on an afternoon of perfectly matched wines and cheese. 3:30pm start,
$90pp Sunday 18th August
Bookings essential - click Marcel to reserve your spot

Rizla turns 5 - Vintage Party!!!

Riesling Party! On Sunday 15th September we celebrate our 5th birthday with our annual Vintage Party, bringing together our favourite new-vintage release Rieslings from the Canberra Region.

Tickets are strictly limited at $75pp Sunday 15th September
beginning from 2pm. Includes tastings of 6 wines, plus cheeseboards & snacks.

One not to be missed for anyone who loves their Riesling as much as we do!

Winemaker Long Lunch feat. Linear Wines - DATE TBC

Nathan Brown, the uber-charismatic enigma that is Linear Wines, will join us for a long Sunday lunch. Set menu plus plenty of his top-class local wines for $110pp, watch this space for a confirmed date once the stars and ducks align.